
Die auf der Website von MH-Legal enthaltenen Informationen stellen weder Rechtsberatung dar noch können sie eine sorgfältige Rechtsberatung ersetzen.

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Sämtliche Fragen und Streitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit dieser Website unterliegen dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

The information on the website of MH-Legal neither constitute legal advice nor can they substitute any careful legal advice.

The information on this website have been carefully collected and regularly maintained. MH-Legal does, however, not accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content provided on this website. The same applies to the contents of external websites to which this website directly or indirectly refers by means of hyperlinks and over which MH-Legal has no influence. For the contents of such external websites, solely their respective operators are responsible.

Any issues and disputes in connection with this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.